MADJAM 11-16's
MADJAM stands for Make a Difference - Jesus and Me and is the youth group at Bawtry Community Church. Often working from the Urban Saints sessions our aim is to come together, dig deeper into God's word and have fun!
MadJam is a place of loving acceptance and openness, we challenge the youth to bring us their most daunting life and faith questions so we can open up these real life issues and take a closer look at the things affecting young people today. In 2022 we moved from meeting virtually on Zoom to meeting on Tuesday evenings at the Hope Centre.
In the past, our young people have been involved in many aspects of church life, including coffee service, tea time treats and worship team. We want to encourage our young people into roles where they can develop new skills and engage more with the church family.
To find out more contact Chrissy.